JLG Tree Service’s Secret to Easy Money Tree Propagation

Watch Your Wealth Grow!

Learn how to propagate a Money Tree with easy to follow steps that I’ll cover in this article.

Project Overview:

Working Time: 5-10 minutes Items You’ll Need: Vase or glass, Small pot, Pruning shears, Rooting hormone, Water, and Soil

How Long Until Results Are Able To Be Noticed: 4-8 weeks Skill Level: Beginner, anyone could do this. Cost: $0

How To Propagate


Welcome, fellow landscape enthusiasts, gardeners, or anyone here for the first time! As an experienced arborist with a passion for tree care, I'm thrilled to share some secret propagation hacks that will not only help you grow stunning money trees but also potentially watch your wealth flourish alongside them. Before diving into propagation techniques, let's acquaint ourselves with this magnificent plant. Money trees, scientifically known as Pachira Aquatica, have captured the hearts of many people, not only for their unique appearance but also for their symbolic association with abundance and good fortune in the Feng Shui culture. The money tree boasts a storied history, which is often associated with good fortune and wealth. Its braided trunk of the Guiana Chestnut is not just a visual delight; it symbolizes luck and unity. Native to the wetlands of Central and South America, this plant has adapted to various environments, making it a popular choice for indoor gardening. Now that we know what makes money trees so special and understand their natural habitat and growth patterns will be able to use that information to help us create the perfect conditions for successful propagation. Finally, let's delve into some valuable tips that will help ensure you have thriving money trees that can bring joy and greenery to your landscape.

Understanding Money Trees and Their Significance

You might wonder why even try to propagate a money tree when you can buy one from a store. Well, the answer lies in the feeling of fulfillment of creating new life. Propagation allows you to nurture your very own baby plant and witness the growth, this builds a connection with nature like never before. In order to embark on this journey of money tree propagation, it's crucial to understand the significance of these green treasures. Like I said in the introduction Money trees are believed to bring prosperity and good luck, making them a popular choice for décor. When I first started caring for money trees, I was fascinated by the rich folklore behind them. If you really want successful efforts find a purpose or interest in the plant so taking care of them becomes a bit easier.

Steps to Prepare for Successful Money Tree Propagation:

Choose the Right Money Tree Species:

Before you dive into propagation, selecting the right money tree variety is key to increasing the chances of your money tree thriving. In my experience, the Pachira Aquatica is an excellent choice for beginners due to its resilience and adaptability. However, for a specific aesthetic, you may want to explore other varieties, such as the Guiana Chestnut, featuring a unique braid style in its trunk. (a Guiana chestnut is the tree inserted in the image above)

Gather Your Tools and Materials

Having the right tools is essential for propagating money trees. Gather quality gardening equipment, including sharp pruning shears, rooting hormone, well-draining pots, and a nutrient-rich soil mixture. These tools will be your companions in this propagation journey, ensuring a higher success rate for your cuttings. Also, don't forget to sterilize your shears or scissors when making a cut for propagation.

Pruning and Shaping for Optimal Growth

As your money trees grow, you may notice some unsightly branches or an uneven shape. Remember that this is normal, and pruning is an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy and aesthetically pleasing money tree. I recall one instance when my money tree started leaning awkwardly due to uneven growth on my office desk. But I knew that with a bit of pruning, I'd be able to restore its balance and make it look stunning once again.

The Art of Pruning

Pruning is like sculpting your money tree to promote its growth and appearance. Regular maintenance pruning helps direct the tree's energy towards new growth points and encourages the development of a fuller canopy. Prune during the active growing season, typically in spring and summer, as your money tree can recover quickly during this time, allowing your money trees to grow some more abundance for you.

Pruning Techniques for Money Trees

To shape your money tree, identify the branches that need trimming. Look for dead or infected branches, as well as those that cross over each other or grow inwards towards the main stem. Now using your sharp and clean pruning shears, make clean cuts just above the leaf node or at the base of the branch collar. Avoid leaving stubs, as they may attract pests or diseases that could harm your plant very quickly.

Encouraging New Growth

You will notice that one of the joys of pruning is seeing how your money tree responds to your pruning efforts. After pruning, your tree might seem a bit bare or naked, but don't worry; this is just a temporary phase. Keep delayed gratification in mind. You'll find that with proper care and attention, new shoots will start emerging from the pruned areas, making your money tree full and more vibrant.

Seed Propagation

Step-by-Step Money Tree Propagation Hacks:

Collecting and Preparing Cuttings

The stem cuttings method is the most common and straightforward method to propagate money trees. It involves taking a section of the plant's stem and encouraging it to grow roots. When you are ready to begin collecting cuttings, look for healthy stems with at least two nodes on the adult/original plant. Nodes are those tiny green growth points where new roots will emerge. To ensure success, you'll need sharp sterile pruning shears to make clean cuts, a clear pot or vase filled with filtered water, and hopefully some of that rooting hormone for an extra boost. Proper preparation to begin stem cutting is crucial. You should try to have well-draining potting soil and your vase in hand for a timely transplant. Patience is key as the roots take their time to establish, but with our strong foundation & a little care and attention, your newly propagated money tree will flourish. Expert Tip: I have always found luck in taking cuttings from more mature, established money trees, as they tend to have better success rates. Remember to trim off any excess leaves. Don't worry, a bit of pruning won't hurt – it's all for the greater good. Keep the end goal of this long journey in mind!

Rooting Techniques

Now, onto the exciting part – rooting your cuttings! There are two popular methods to achieve this: water propagation and using a well-draining rooting medium pot. Water propagation allows you to observe the root development process, and I must admit, it's a thrilling sight to see once those tiny roots begin to grow! Alternatively, the second method is using a rooting medium, such as a mix of perlite and peat moss. Whichever method you choose, be patient and consistent with the care needed for these trees to thrive – it will pay off in the end.

Potting and Caring for Propagated Money Trees

Once your cuttings have developed roots, it's time to give them a new home. Transfer them into small pots with a suitable soil mixture and ensure that the pot has proper drainage to prevent waterlogging. Overwatering can be detrimental and will harm your plant, so remember to strike a balance with your watering routine. Now, place your newly potted cuttings in a warm, well-lit area but avoid direct sunlight, as that might scorch their tender.

Nurturing Your Money Tree for Wealth and Prosperity

Beyond the aesthetic and gardening aspects, money trees hold significance in Feng Shui; they are believed to attract positive energy and prosperity. While I'm not an expert in Feng Shui, I can attest to the emotional connection I developed with my money trees is real. Caring for them became therapeutic instead of a hassle, and seeing them thrive filled me with a sense of satisfaction like no other.

The Harmony of Feng Shui and Money Trees

According to Feng Shui principles, money trees are associated with wealth, abundance, and good fortune. Placing a money tree in specific areas of your home or garden is believed to enhance the flow of positive energy and attract prosperity. Whether you follow Feng Shui or not, the act of nurturing a living plant can create a sense of harmony and liveliness within your living space.

Caring for the Soul of Your Money Tree

To keep the positive energy flowing, pay attention to your money tree's overall well-being. Regularly check for signs of stress, such as yellowing leaves, and adjust the watering or lighting accordingly. Take a moment each day to observe your money tree, even talk to your money tree, and you might notice subtle changes that reflect its response to your care and attention.

Creating a Symbolic Connection

Incorporating personal symbolism into your gardening journey, even if it has nothing to do with Feng Shui, can strengthen your bond with your money tree. For example, as I propagated my first money tree, I named it "Mr. Crabs" since the character from SpongeBob is obsessed with money. Naming your money tree or even holding a small ritual during planting can infuse your gardening experience with a deeper sense of purpose and connection.


Congratulations on your journey into the captivating world of money tree propagation! You've learned valuable techniques to ensure the success of your propagation endeavors and tips to nurture your money tree to prosperity. Remember, cultivating money trees goes beyond mere gardening; it's an exploration of patience, care, and the potential for personal growth. With each new leaf that unfurls and each new shoot that emerges, you'll find yourself celebrating over the efforts that this long journey has taken without being able to see anything at first. So, don't hesitate to get your hands dirty, experiment, and learn from your experiences. Each money tree you propagate is unique, just like you. Embrace the journey with open arms and watch as your wealth and your love for nature grow together. Happy propagating, and may your money trees be a source of abundance and joy for years to come!